Disconnect to reconnect with myself. I searched for myself in material possessions, but when I disconnected from the busy city and most of what I owned, I found my true self.
When I walk in the mountains, I prefer to do so with as little luggage as possible. Traveling with only my little green backpack to a wooden mountain hut. My favourite one is refuge Glacier Blanc. Walking up the mountain to this refuge with an amazing view of Mont Pelvoux is truly breath taking.
I have extended the simple way of outdoor life into my daily life. Cleaning up and letting go of what no longer served me. Stuff, old stories about myself, the city, friendships, family. Like how a tree dares to let go of its leaves, I had to do the same to bloom again.
I used to create a version of myself through material possessions. Now I find myself in what I create with my hands. That’s me; my articles, poems and photo art are pieces of me. With those I truly show myself.
I still have my most precious possessions, such as my analogue cameras, my hundreds of negatives, my dozen of diaries, my climbing and camping gear, my wooden Monte Rosa Cabin with a large garden near the city centre of Rotterdam and of course my most valuable creation: My beautiful daughter Rosalie.